Sarah Chay

Latest articles from Sarah Chay

bubble tea

The AMS's bubble tea shop naming contest finished on June 28 and it's anyone's game to win. People were creative and clever, so naturally we combed through the submissions and came up with a list of the greatest hits.

AMS Nest - outdoor study

Summer school at UBC isn't all bad. Yes, you have to be indoors when it's absolutely gorgeous outside. However, you also get to study in the most aesthetically pleasing parts of campus that are finally absent of rain.


Students get a 10 per cent discount at Topshop with a valid student ID! I want to say “the discount is super useful when you’re buying clothes for presentations,” but I’m in arts, and I don’t dress fancy for presentations.


If you encounter a first-year on campus or in your class, stop what you are doing and evaluate the situation carefully. Identify yourself — you are a fourth-year and this is an elective you are taking. Speak in a calm and confident manner.


Therapy dogs came to UBC last week! We got to catch up with some of them after the session. They offered superb advice such as, “It’s better to have sniffed a thousand doggy butts than to have never sniffed any doggy butts at all.”


On Wednesday, March 15 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., come join UBC Arts & Culture District, dogspost.ubc and SisuGirls of UBC for lunch and a doggo meet-up! Bring yourself, your doggo and your friends who love dogs.

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