Best of the AMS's bubble tea shop naming contest

Have you noticed that Lowercase in the Nest has been replaced with a bubble tea shop? We did too. The AMS's bubble tea shop naming contest finished on June 28 and it's anyone's game to claim the coveted prize of having a drink named after them. People were creative and clever, so naturally we combed through the submissions and came up with a list of the greatest hits. Which one do you think should win?

Top 10 best

Pearl Jam – Stephanie Nguyen

Nest Tea — Brody Von Bellon

I’d Tapioca That — Rachel Selinger

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ThirsTEA? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) — Adrian Liang

Notorious BBT ­— John Leong

Platform Nine and Tea Quarters — Sareena Mohammad

Good Kid Bubble Ci-tea — Rebecca Le

VanciTea — Ellen Morrison

I Took A Pearl in Ibiza — Russel Pitt

Bobasaur – Brendan Chan


Most popular submissions

Bubbly McBubbleface / Bubble McTeaface

TeaBird / T-Bird

Boba Fett


Most creative

Bubble Tea — Aaron Cheong

Lowercase — Luc Briedé-Cooper


Most up to date on the news 

SanTEA Ono — Hannah Xiao


Honourable mention

The Bubbyssey — Humaam Nehmé