Senate Recentred: Submit feedback to impact the next Senate triennium

Did you know that the Senate triennium is coming to a close?

The UBC Senate is one of the highest governing bodies of the university, alongside the Board of Governors. While the latter focuses on financial matters, the Senate focuses on academic governance. 

Academic calendar dates? Senate. New courses and syllabi? Senate. Finalizing your graduation? You guessed it, Senate does that too! 

Both the Senate and the Board of Governors operate on a triennial system — this means the bodies operate on three-year long cycles. The majority of senators and governors (with the exception of students) serve three-year long terms, and committees tend to take on long term projects over a period of three years.  

Toward the end of each triennium, the Senate undergoes a triennial review, seeking out feedback from all senators and the wider UBC community to inform how work is done within Senate committees and in the Senate more broadly. By providing feedback, you can change how the Senate operates over the next three years.

Do you have feedback for Senate? The Student Senate Caucus is encouraging everyone, especially students, to submit feedback by March 24, to

Shpeller is a fifth-year biomedical engineering student, the Faculty of Applied Science student senator and Student Senate Caucus co-chair. Hajizadeh is a third-year international relations student, a student senator-at-large and Student Senate Caucus co-chair.