AMS Decoded: What to look for in the February 8 Council meeting

Every few weeks, your elected student government meets on a Wednesday night to talk about issues concerning the AMS. Agenda items can seem long, mysterious and confusing without the proper background, making it difficult to see how these issues affect students. Here’s what to watch out for in the upcoming AMS Council meeting on February 8:

Ad-hoc committee on constituency relations

At the November 23 Council meeting, an ad-hoc committee was struck to analyze the AMS’s relationship with its constituencies. After a few months of work and consultation with undergraduate society members, the committee is bringing forward a 34-page report with 12 recommendations for Council to enact with the aim of strengthening ties between the organizations. The recommendations will be discussed at this Council meeting and voted on at the next meeting on February 15.

Nest refinancing

With the Board of Governors having recently given the go-ahead for the refinancing of the AMS Student Nest, AMS Council will be voting on the approval of a refinancing contract on the recommendation of the executive committee. This change is projected to save students tens of millions of dollars.

Ian Sapollnik is a third-year economics student, a member of the UBC Vancouver Senate and a member of AMS Council. The views presented are his own.