AMS Decoded: What to look for in the March 28 Council meeting

Every few weeks, your elected student government meets on a Wednesday night to talk about issues concerning the AMS. Agenda items can seem long, mysterious and confusing without the proper background, making it difficult to see how these issues affect students. Here’s what to watch out for in the upcoming AMS Council meeting on March 28:

Constituency Reports

In recent times, AMS Council moved away from having constituencies present verbal updates in meetings, instead transferring this sort of responsibilities to other bodies within the organization. At this meeting, Council will be considering a proposal to reinstate these updates.

Subcommittees and Working Groups

While the AMS has long had working groups under its formal committee structure, the governance committee has put forward a proposal to better codify this system. The proposal details that, moving forward, working groups should be used for short-term initiatives while subcommittees are meant for longer-term endeavours.


Council will be receiving information for a collection of submissions to external bodies, including the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. The submissions include information and the AMS’ stances on sexual violence, the rights of student renters and needs-based grants.

Jakob Gattinger, a fourth-year applied science student, is the former VP Academic and University Affairs pro tem for the AMS and a current member of Council for engineering, as well as a student senator.