10 facts about yourself to distract from actual questions

My wife, Wendy, is way cooler than me. Did you know she’s a doctor and a lawyer!? I’m barely a doctor.

My middle name is Jeremy. Jeremy! What kind of frat name is that for an adult man.

Speaking of frats, I was on the National Board of Directors of Alpha Tau Omega.

(Wait, frats are contentious, nevermind — I love Rocky Road ice cream)

I am named after a character in a Japanese folk story who runs a university.

When I blink, I see bowties. When I close my eyes, I see bowties. My nightmares are mostly just bowties and having to answer questions.

My first job was at Burger King and I quit when I found out ketchup wasn’t a drink.

If I could be one fictional character, I’d be Dumbledore, because I love putting students into dangerous situations like, “Should I pay rent or eat this month?”

My motto is “People will forget what you've said and what you've done, but will never forget how you made them feel.” And I FEEL FINE!

I’ve worked at University College London and I still can’t tell you if it’s a university or a college.

From my office in Koerner Library, I can see all. It is my glass, book-shaped fortress. Every morning I gaze upon my broad kingdom and weep. I see a seagull on the clock tower. As it flies away I think about what it would be like to be free like that. Free from this soul-crushing position.

I also don’t know what the difference between ophthalmology and optometry is. But I have a degree in one of them.