Open the doors: public can enter the Nest tomorrow

The waiting ends tomorrow. On Monday, the new SUB will be open to the public.

On May 20 the new SUB received provisional occupancy, getting the ball rolling on finalizing this project that has undergone several delays.

“[Provisional occupancy] went super well. All of the areas that we expected to have provisional occupancy for in the first round we did get,” said Ava Nasiri, VP Administration. “A few of the areas they decided to section off and keep working on to get them complete and get occupancy to those as well.”

The uncompleted areas, in order of priority given to the construction team, are the Pit, the Perch, Council Chambers, the clubs resource and sustainability centre and the child-minding centre, according to Nasiri.

Nasiri said The Delly and On the Fringe have their own contractors and are expected to be open by September.

As well as some areas being still under construction, some groups and organizations are still moving into the new SUB.

When asked which offices have moved, Nasiri said that “So far, we really focused on the operational offices … that was sort of the first step.”

The AMS administration office is up and running as are some of the food and beverage offices.

Opening ceremonies will be held off for a while. Nasiri gave two reasons for this, the first being that details can be sorted out once all groups move into the new building. Second, reaching occupancy has been “a bit of a moving target.”

According to Nasiri, June 18 has been tentatively set as the date for a mid-summer celebration of the new space. September will see larger fanfare.