Experimental study hacks that we can't guarantee will work

With midterms coming up, a lot of students will be desperately trying to find last-minute ways to study effectively. Some might be wondering how to absorb half a course in one night, and while I certainly don’t recommend that, there are ways people try to commit more information to memory. While these tricks might not work and I don’t recommend experimenting if you’re in a time crunch, if you’re desperate enough you might as well try them to see if they enrich your studying experience.

Eat a 10-month-old candy cane

When I Google searched “peppermint and memory” I got a lot of results from "reputable" websites stating that peppermint causes the body to increase oxygen saturation in blood, which in turn positively impacts memory function. So try eating a candy cane you had sitting around from last December and see if it makes you remember the plot of The Importance of Being Earnest.

Rewrite all your notes over and over and over

The physical act of writing on paper seems to improve comprehension because paper allows for more personalization of the material. So, try rewriting all your notes. Then do it again. And again. In grade 8, I memorized regular French verb conjugations by writing them over and over until my hand hurt. Try it.

Sing the material

Reading aloud helps with comprehension. Take it to another level by singing it. Remembering the melody and lyrics of your new chemistry ballad might help with remembering concepts during the exam — just don’t start singing out loud while writing it unless you want to get kicked out of the exam.

Tattoo your notes on yourself

I’m not promoting academic dishonesty and I don’t advise that you wear short sleeves to your exam if you try this one. I’m just saying that maybe having all your notes tattooed on your arms forever will help you remember it in time for your midterm and beyond. When you read it through to check for errors before you give it to the tattoo artist, that’s one reading. When the tattoo artist discusses the material with you after reading it through, that’s a group study session. When you look at the tattoo in the mirror after getting it, that’s just another review. This is probably a horrible idea.

Go off the grid

There are a ton of apps out there to block certain websites or restrict phone usage when you want to study. Take it to a new level by leaving all your technology at home, taking your textbook into a forest and studying there. You will be forced to either study or take in the nature around you. I don’t recommend this one if you actually enjoy being outside.