Movies you should watch this winter break while you’re stuck at home

Brrr. Do you feel that crisp chill in the air? Yes, winter is almost here. And as this semester draws to a close, ’tis the season of pondering, “Hmm, what the heck am I going to do this break?”

I mean it’s the holidays so, duh, you’d go home to your family, friends and loved ones right? While some are lucky enough to live with their families already, many of us are not so lucky. With COVID-19 still being a thing, I empathize with all my fellow international students.

But don’t lose hope yet, my friends! What if I told you that you could still have loads of fun, all while staying indoors and social distancing? I know it isn’t as good as literally seeing your loved ones again, but it’s pretty darn close — trust me on this! You should embrace the holiday season by having a good ol’ movie marathon, while safe and secure in your cozy homes.

And accordingly, here’s a list of holiday movies you can binge watch. So what are you waiting for? Grab a bucket of popcorn, some Twizzlers and your favourite streaming service for some jolly festive-film fanaticism!

A Christmas Story

A classic, featuring some kids getting into some festive craziness.


Yet another classic, with Will Ferrell as a human-sized elf who was raised in Santa’s workshop. Pretty self-explanatory.

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Fun fact: it WASN’T directed by Tim Burton (it was actually produced by him). Through its goofy gothic charm, his essence dwells within the film. You’ve probably watched it before —still, watch it again!

Love the Coopers

A criminally underrated gem (screw the bad reviews) about a family struggling to get along during Christmas. Also featuring all your faves, including Timothée Chalamet, Marissa Tomei, Anthony Mackie and Olivia Wilde. You’re welcome.

Tokyo Godfathers

A modern rendition of the nativity. Perfect for anime fans!

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

A classic. Self-explanatory.

Home Alone

Another classic. Self-explanatory.

The Polar Express

Another classic. Self-explanatory.

Rise of the Guardians

Featuring Jack Frost and a bunch of other iconic characters. Relive your 2012 Tumblr era!

Anna and the Apocalypse

It’s a Christmas musical ... but with zombies. What more could you ask for?

A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas

Even more festive shenanigans, featuring Neil Patrick Harris as Neil Patrick Harris.

Go wild with this list and have fun — but most importantly, stay safe. Happy holidays!