How not to piss people off with your Halloween costume

Every Halloween, there’s a discussion around what’s appropriate and what’s not about a Halloween costume. Whether or not you consider yourself politically correct, Halloween is a lot easier when we’re not being disrespectful. Here’s your guide on what to avoid in order to have a Halloween free of offence and pissed off partygoers.

Cultural Appropriation

Does your costume come from a culture that isn’t yours? Does it contain exaggerated or stereotypical elements? Has anyone told you it might be racist, or have you considered that it might be racist? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you probably want to reconsider your costume. For example, you will piss off a load of people if you wear a feather headdress and call yourself “native” for Halloween, and for good reason too.


Darkening your skin tone or altering your appearance to look like a racialized person for Halloween is definitely a bad decision. It’s racist, it’s distasteful and doesn't reflect well on your decision-making skills. Try dressing up as a character or concept that doesn’t require altering anyone’s perception of your ancestry.


Reminding everyone of the terrifying age we live in might not be the best idea for a Halloween costume. Dressing up as a tyrannical leader is a bit too scary, even for Halloween. I suggest avoiding reality entirely and dressing up as a fictional character.

Anything generally distasteful

Dressing up as a tragic event, mocking someone’s religion and dressing up as any stereotype is a sure way to piss people off. Consider if someone has been personally affected by what you’re dressing up as, if it’s a person from a vulnerable group and if you would cringe if you saw someone else in it.