Best places to contemplate your university career

Many of us go to university unsure of what path lies ahead of us. And truth be told, that uncertainty never really goes away. For those days when you’re trying to figure out what’s next, here are the best places on campus to contemplate your university career.

The Gallery in the Nest

With an expansive view of the roofs of buildings on campus and a decent happy hour, the Gallery is a great place to kick back with a beer and realize that you don’t know what to do with your degree. Take up one of the booths, or have a seat on the outdoor terrace and panic about the lack of job prospects that await you after you graduate.

Triple O’s

While downing the greasiest burger on campus with a mediocre milkshake as a side, come to terms with the fact that you probably won’t get accepted into grad school. Visit on Triple O’s Tuesday to get a sweet deal on a burger, and determine that you have neither the money nor the grades to get into a grad program at any university. Also make sure to sit at a table alone when realizing this, so that everyone else there knows that you’re really going through some stuff.


Well-known as being the cafe that serves alcohol on campus, head here for a morning drink and to tackle the fact that you mainly went to university to please your parents. A beer at 11 a.m. will help you admit that you’re not really enjoying writing an essay every week and that you probably should have taken that gap year to travel.

Wreck Beach

A great place to try and find inner peace with the fact that, although you’ve succeeded in university academically, you haven’t bothered to have any fun. Let your hair down and feel the wind blow through it for once, as every other moment of university career has been spent with your nose in a book or cramped over a laptop during a late night at IKB. As you accept that you missed out on multiple opportunities to make new friends and experience the cool events available to you at UBC, watch the tide roll in closer and closer, lapping at your bare toes in the sand. Maybe this can be your first good memory here.