Tova Gaster

Science Editor 2023/2024, Culture Editor 2022/23

Tova was the Ubyssey Science editor in 2023/24. They graduated from UBC in 2024 with degrees in environmental geography and history. They report on everything from environmental governance to how access to the arts and to information supports community wellbeing. In their free time you can find them in the garden or on the soccer field, probably laughing at their own jokes. Email them at with pitches and tips.

Latest articles from Tova Gaster

Storm the Wall

"Queering” is not just about your gender identity or sexual orientation. If we’ve learned anything from our GRSJ electives, it’s that “queering” means basically whatever you want it to mean. With this in mind, here’s how to queer Storm the Wall next year — always stay prepped.

20230130 a mcelroy spooky gym

It’s January 30. You’re going to the ARC for the first time because your new year’s resolution was to actually bulk instead of just saying ‘it’s bulking season’ every time you eat. How do you show that you’re not like the other new years newbies while simultaneously outclassing the 6 a.m. rise and grind crowd?

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