On Saturday December 5, UBC and Vancouver celebrity interviewer Nardwuar suffered a stroke during a party hosted by Mint Records.
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BCcampus estimates that students have saved nearly $1 million dollars already on textbooks costs thanks to open textbooks. The money from the grant will be used to expand the program, so that number can increase.
This was in response to the MFA directors being restricted in choosing two females and two males for their shows on the main stage, thereby excluding the rest of the students. What’s unique about this production is that the female acting students of the program will perform all of the characters in Yee’s play.
The lead vocals deserve the highest of praise for perfectly performed renditions. Scott Brooks (bass-baritone) and Matthew Gaskin (tenor) projected deep and rich notes that could be felt as much as heard. Charlotte Beglinger (mezzo) and Nicole Brooks (soprano) struck every one of the very high notes with pin-pointed accuracy and skill. It was also a nice touch that the screen above was showing english translations of the lyrics.
The ’Birds dominated the game, refusing to allow their opponent a single point in a 20-0 victory.
Titled “Stupid Questions Female Hockey Players Get Asked," the video mocks people’s ignorance about women’s sports. What started as an assignment for T-Bird defenceman Kirsten Toth’s creative writing course has turned into a viral Youtube video, which now has over 115,000 views.
The AMS has agreed to a series of guidelines in order to host the event — it will be for students only, capped at 10,000 people and will end by 9 p.m. A review of the event will take place afterwards as this year’s Block Party will be a trial year.
The allegations have not yet been fully disclosed.
Tamara Munzner, a computer science professor at UBC, recently received the Visualization Technical Achievement Award for her 2014 book, Visualization Analysis and Design.
Daria Danylchuk established UBC's University Transition Program, which brings gifted youth to UBC each year.
“We did respond to a number of the students concerns. For example, on financial support for diversity, they pushed hard in some of the discussions in how the strategic investment fund should be used so we responded to that.”
“I have a particular aversion to what most laptop orchestras look like. It’s a bunch of people sitting at their laptops all coding and you cannot tell who’s creating what sound where,” said Pritchard. “It looks like everyone’s checking their email.”
I would like to take this opportunity to ask Martha Piper and the university administration a simple question: why is UBC still asking us for money?
Recent years have brought on a new kind of assault on civilized discourse by a group I have heard collectively termed as the “regressive left”: individuals — largely young adults 18-30 — so progressive they have become a threat to the liberal values that birthed them.
“We disagree with the methodology used,” said Jenna Omassi, AMS VP Academic and University Affairs. “And even if we had agreed with the methodology used, it was applied inconsistently.”