Satan Oh-No's book club

If I could read, here’s what’d be top on my list:

Patriot Hearts: Inside the Olympics that Changed a Country

A very fun read. I learned a lot about how perseverance and historical erasure can do a whole lot for a man. I hope to have this guy over sometime!

A $460 econ textbook

So much information in this bad boy! And when you do the math, you’re probably only paying like $1 a fact, so when you think about you’re actually getting a really good deal.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (first edition, $47,000)

Sure, you could go to any bookstore in the world and buy a copy of the first Harry Potter book, but the story is so much better when you know the pages it’s printed on could have fully subsidized two low-income students’ tuitions for their entire degrees.

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

This book has taught me a lot about human interactions. The ideas of dominance, distraction and being ‘an Alpha’ have really gotten me to where I am today – and a big reason I got this gig.

Cincinnati tourism pamphlet

I really do miss Cincinnati. Images of its bland streets and uninteresting boulevards really get me nostalgic. Not to mention the lack of hard things to do.

The Little Engine That Could
This is a beautiful story for people of all ages with a beautiful moral: if you just hang around long enough, good things will happen to you.

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