Wine pairings for however you plan on spending Valentine’s day

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner and the recent news that Alberta has banned BC wine imports, there’s never been a better excuse to try out a new bottle.

I have been to exactly one wine tasting in my life — which was in France if that gives me extra credentials — so I am by no means and expert. But, here are some BC wines to help you get into the spirit of the season.

Vintage Ink — Rebel Red

This was the first red wine I ever enjoyed drinking. It’s a blend so it’s not overpowering. If you’re not that into red wine, but heard it’s romantic, give this one a try.

Pairs well with: Impressing your tinder date and getting to date number two. Or, pulling out all the romantic stops for your first Valentines Day as a couple.

Hester Creek — Pinot Gris

This is my go-to celebratory white wine. It’s fresh and fruity without being overwhelmingly sweet. It’s also on sale right now at BC Liquor Stores for an added bonus.

Pairs well with: A chill date ordering takeout, watching Netflix and talking about each others’ days because you’ve been together for awhile, and it’s a Wednesday night, so do we really need to go out?

Dirty Laundry — Rosé Hush

Rosé is mainly considered a summer wine, but I don’t believe in constricting good wines to seasons. It’s also sweet and pink, so right on theme for Valentine’s Day.

Pairs well with: Treating yourself on another single Valentines Day re-watching The Office and reminding yourself that if Michael Scott can find someone to match his personality, you can too.

Bodacious — Box Smooth White or Red

Boxed wine may not have a reputation for being classy, but it’s more fun trying to do a classy tasting with wine that comes from a spout. Bonus points if you’re drinking out of plastic cups.

Pairs well with: A night in with your single friends gossiping, possibly singing throwback karaoke as the box drains and remembering you don’t need to be in a romantic relationship to feel loved.