UBC channeled their inner Hawkins, Indiana to show just how spooky exam season really is

On December 6, 2016 UBC experienced a snowfall that caused students to “lose their shit” and yesterday, nearly a year later to the day, students lost their shit for a whole new mystical weather issue — fog.

Clearly, UBC didn't think that exam season was scary enough so the campus brought a strange fog that hung in the air, clouding students minds, forcing them to put down the books and pull up Instagram — as if we needed another excuse to use social media during one of the busiest times of the year.

[''] Kate Colenbrander
[''] Koby Michaels
[''] Nivi Thatra

new yorker tote bag in hand, she walks confidently into the abyss

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Nitobe today

Foggy days but my sights are clear . . . . . . #ubc #yvr #vancouver #fogcity #goodcompany

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Vancouver, present day, no tbt today 🍁

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I decided to take a break from studying for finals and creep around campus in the fog
Foggy day. The pink light is from the Horticulture lab near Orchard Commons.

Creepy weather and not even 5pm 👻 . #ubc #fogcouver #vancity #vancouver #fog #landscape #dusk #nature

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If you talk enough sense then you’ll lose your mind

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Just be on the lookout for The Mind Flayer.