We're three hours from the application deadline for the undergraduate class of 2019, and I'd imagine that there are a fair number of people putting the final touches on (or just starting) their personal profiles. To make applicants' lives just a little bit easier, and to satisfy everyone else's curiosity, we've compiled some data regarding admissions from UBC's annual enrolment report. Unless otherwise specified, the stats apply to the 2013/2014 school year.
In 2013, 19,895 people applied to UBC; 12,658 were offered admittance and 5,993 accepted their offers. This works out to an admission percentage of 64 per cent and a yield rate (how many people actually ended up going to UBC) of 47 per cent for first-year undergrads.
The average entry GPA for all faculties was 89.5 per cent for both domestic and international applicants -- 0.2 per cent higher than the previous year.
Commerce had the highest domestic average admission GPA at 92.2 per cent, followed by Science with 91.9 and the Bachelor of Science (Forestry Science) in the Faculty of Forestry rounding out the bottom with a 79.2 per cent average GPA.
In regard to who's in what faculty, 75% of students are in one of three faculties: 38 per cent of UBC undergrads are in Arts, 23 per cent in Science and 14 per cent in Applied Science.
UBC currently has more domestic undergraduate and graduate students than are funded by the government -- 10 per cent over the 'full-time equivalent' funding limit. The university mentions in the report that they have plans to decrease domestic undergraduate enrolment over the next few years, but not graduate (in line with their desire to become more of a research-based university).
The domestic-international breakdown sees international students comprising 16 and 31 per cent of the undergraduate and graduate student populations, respectively. These proportions have grown considerably since 2003, when only seven per cent of undergraduates were international students and 21 per cent of graduate students.
Worried about flunking out of first year? Chances are, you'll be okay. For the class of 2016 (who started at UBC in 2012), the average retention rate to the next year was 94 per cent. The Faculty of Forestry, with 85 per cent, had the lowest retention while Kinesiology had the highest at 97 per cent.
Best of luck to Class of 2019 hopefuls from The Ubyssey staff!
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