What does that even stand for?: What we think several UBC acronyms should be

UBC is full of acronyms because it’s full of long names we could never say out loud in a day-to-day conversation. I think some of these can be better, so listen to my suggestions and consider the following.


UBC’s particle accelerator centre, the acronym stands for TRI-University Meson Facility, since it was originally operated by UBC, UVic and SFU. Now it has eight member universities and seven associate members, so maybe they should’ve TRIed harder to include them in the name. Maybe they feel left out. I recommend changing the name to QUINDECUMF.


ICICS stands for The Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems but it’s long and hard to say in my opinion. When you say it as a word, it sounds a little bad. When you say it as letters, I no longer understand the difference between a C and an S. I think they should just call it “Computer School” and drop the idea of the acronym altogether.


Standing for Preservation and Archives, this is the new storage area for archival materials in the library system. This acronym resembles the name of the Parq hotel, which is a hotel for people and not for books. I think PARC should just be called ASRS 2 (even though it’s not automated).


I keep searching everywhere to figure out what this stands for and I can’t even figure it out. It’s so nonsensical it makes me angry. Angry Recreation Centre? Arithmetic Recollection Collective? Ants R Cool? Just call it the gym for God’s sake.