Places to go in the Lower Mainland before your U-Pass expires

The end of U-Pass season (for non-summer students) is coming. Unless you're willing to pay $172 a month for that three-zone privilege, here are some fun places to go and things to do before the dreaded end on April 30.

The Sea Bus

The Sea Bus is great. It’s all the best parts of being on a crowded bus and getting boat sick near commuters wearing suits. But, the real joy of the Sea Bus is the beautiful view of the city and the 15 minutes you spend trying to connect to the wifi.

The Two Ikeas

What’s better than getting lost in Ikea? Getting lost at two Ikeas! You could get a delicious meatball lunch in Port Coquitlam and then have a delicious meatball dinner in Richmond. Buy yourself some dryck lingon juice boxes to fortify your strength during the one hour and seven minute-trip between them.

All the Value Villages in One Day

There are ten Value Villages in the Lower Mainland. As a true test of endurance, you could try and go to them all in one day. You could also not do that and savour all that the Villages have to offer.

Bulk Barn in New Westminster

Bulk Barn is like a palace of the gods, if the gods only ate bulk food and Celestial Seasonings tea. Make sure to bring your sturdiest tote bag and adjust your monthly budget because you will buy way too much stuff.

Maple Ridge

A quick google of “Things to Do in Maple Ridge” comes up with dozens of results. We're not going to tell you that list, but we will say that one of the things was called “Raptor Ridge” which had scary birds and that sounds pretty dope.

River Rock Casino

Win your rent money! While casinos can also be really sad, the loud sounds and the bright lights will keep you so alert there’s no time to get sad. Always remember, ‘know your limit, play within it.’


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