Sharing stories and breaking stigmas: UBC Slam and team up for a night of mental health themed slam poetry

Mental wellness is becoming an increasingly important topic of discussion on university campuses, with UBC being no exception., the UBC chapter of the student-led mental health initiative, is harnessing the power of poetry to address this issue in a more creative manner to continue to try and break the stigma that surrounds mental health.

For the first-time ever, will collaborate with the UBC Slam Poetry Club to present UBC Slam x Mental Health Slam Poetry Night. The event will be dedicated to raising awareness on student struggles with mental health through storytelling and creative expression.

For and UBC Slam, “poetry can be the perfect outlet for those who want to share about their mental health journey.” The creative freedom poetry brings will allow students to express their emotions and tell their stories in whatever ways they’re comfortable with.

The event will take place on February 8 at the Lev Bukhman lounge in the Nest from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. It is intended to provide a safe space for students to share their journeys with mental health.

If you don’t have a poem to share, stop by to show solidarity with your peers. Breaking the stigma requires both people who are willing to speak out about their experiences and people who are willing to listen.