A Reddit user made UBC-themed Valentine’s Day e-cards and they’re everything you need right now

Want to express your affection for someone through jokes about WeBWorK and UBC construction? Of course you do.

Reddit user hamboozle posted a set of 9 UBC-themed Valentine’s Day e-cards to r/UBC yesterday, and in my personal opinion they’re pretty great.

[''] hamboozle
[''] hamboozle
[''] hamboozle
[''] hamboozle
[''] hamboozle

This one references the campus’s best double entendre

[''] hamboozle

…while this one makes a cheeky jab at the AMS’s controversial new expulsion policy.

[''] hamboozle

And, of course, there’s a construction joke.

[''] hamboozle

So if you don’t have a date this Valentine’s Day, don’t worry — you can still chuckle at memes while scrolling through your phone and reminiscing over where your last relationship went wrong.

Or you could, you know, try to meet someone new — but it’s midterm season, who’s got time for that?