Faces of UBC: Commuters

Commuter students make up a huge proportion of our classmates at UBC. While the AMS Firstweek “Coffee for Commuters” event was happening this week, we decided to get to know a few of them. Every person we talked to had their own set of ideas, problems and aspirations, but through it all we learned one thing for sure: everyone knows what superpower they want.


"I’m really interested in the circus, so that’s been a lot of fun. There’s a great circus community in Vancouver. Juggling, mostly. It’s always fun."


“I’m originally from Estonia, and I know seven languages!"


“I’m studying environmental science, and I’m really passionate about those issues. I’d really love to work for an international NGO or for a different Canadian government and work on those kinds of things.”

“And if you could have one superpower, what would it be?”

“Flying, definitely.”


“I came here when I was 17, I skipped a year in high school. If I could have a superpower it would be element bending.”


“I’m a very open person ... something I know I want to do is to manage music festivals. I want to meet enough people to successfully make my way in my career at UBC.”