Opportunities beyond the classroom

No matter your interests, degree or background, there is something for everyone to enjoy outside of the classroom at UBC. However, the sheer number of volunteering, job and club activities at UBC can be overwhelming. Not sure where to start? Here are some popular options.


Study abroad in the country you’ve always dreamed about with Go Global. There, you’ll take courses at a partner university and gain unforgettable experience in a new culture and country. Regardless of your degree, there are options for you to take your learning outside of the classroom and have an internationally rewarding experience. Some programs cost the same as UBC tuition, while others are more pricey — but even those often have funding options if you do some digging. Learn more at global.ubc.ca/go-global.


Study ecological and social systems with Indigenous knowledge holders and community leaders in Haida Gwaii. While you live there for a semester or a summer, you’ll complete fieldwork and projects in the natural environment to further your learning.


If you want to trade classes for a semester of work experience and make some cash, consider applying to Co-op. No matter your degree, you can apply to a variety of different companies across Canada and the world. Plus, you’ll gain insights into what career roles and environments you enjoy or don’t enjoy. You can also get Co-op designation on your transcript if you complete a specific number of work terms. Learn more at coop.ubc.ca.


If you enjoy helping your fellow students, peer leader positions in the AMS or undergraduate constituencies might be the right choice! Whether you want to help your fellow students with their health, academics or finances, there is a position for you. You can also volunteer as a Jump Start or Imagine Day leader to help introduce new UBC students to university life.

Learning doesn’t only happen in the classroom. Try to take advantage of these opportunities, you won’t regret it!