
you know, I've always wanted to be an inanimate object

just there, no action until someone decides to use me

no element of performance

no sense of individuality that I have to craft

I only serve one function

and if I don’t do it right,

I’m broken, not unwilling

I’m just a damaged good

if I was merely property

I wouldn’t have to be answerable to anybody

in fact people would make decisions for me

fuck, where do i put this thing?

how should i present it

to look as valuable and as appealing as possible

so that one day i may trick

some goon into buying it from me

taking it off my hands

and making me a pretty penny?

see, I don’t even have to do my own marketing

if I was only an item

there would not be any emotions

weighing me down

there is no noise I have to make to be understood

there is nothing to understand

I’m just there

I do one thing and someone does it to me

there is no need for me to have a desire to be used, it’s just a matter of convenience

and then I take a look at my life

half laughing at how the universe uses me as an instrument of its will

or how easily the other half of the population speaks for me

and maybe my dreams of being an inanimate object had been fulfilled the day I was born

congratulations, it’s a girl.