Faces of UBC: Who do you want UBC to make you?

Photos Arjun Hair / The Ubyssey


Rachel Lau (First year)

I think the first thing is that I want it to make me more insightful. I think that’s the biggest thing. 'Cause I’m a first-year, so this is all kind of new to me, and I think being able to be here with people from all different backgrounds and different stories ... will provide a lot of insights and new views that I can take in.


Visha Thamboo (Fourth year)

Oh wow. Okay. Um, I want UBC to make me someone who is recalled fondly. So that, whenever someone says my name, they kinda have that smile on their face.


Matthew Loss (Graduate School of Population and Public Health)

Hm. Good question. I think I want UBC to make me a type of person that is able to be interdisciplinary. To be someone who can pull from various subject areas that seem disconnected and connect them to solve a problem that we all face.


Katie (Third-year psychology)

I want to be more organized, I guess.


Amelia Casciola (First-year Science)

A better person. I want to become more open-minded -- everyone here is so diverse -- I want to try new things. Just, like, broaden my horizons.


Charlie Hoang (Fourth-year math)

Someone that is engaged in his studies. UBC is such a beautiful campus, it's hard to focus on the academics at all. It’s my last year, so I want to boost my GPA sky high.


Karla Perez Franco (First year)

A mature person.


Tobias Larsen (Third year)

Probably a better economist, I don’t know.


Philip Austrom (Fourth-year music)

I guess more driven and goal-orientated, because right now I have no idea what I want to do.


Sim Sidhu (Second-year geological engineering)

I want UBC to make me a better person. As long as I am a better person [when I graduate] than I am now, I feel like UBC [will have] succeeded.


Curtis Logan (First-year Arts)

More prepared for the world.


Aisha Lakhdhir (First-year)

A person that is well-rounded, grounded, and makes good choices intellectually, extra-curricularly and socially.