Thomas O'Donnell

2019-2020 Culture Editor/ Founding member of The Dingbat

Thomas O'Donnell is a person of medium height who says, “Why walk when you can sprint?” They say they like to write articles about the library & archives, campus history, and general student tomfoolery, but no one has ever seen them write anything. They mostly just sit in chairs and yell about facts. When they're not downplaying their own self worth or asking people to play Mario Kart, they were also the 2019/2020 Culture Editor. Previously they were Senior Staff in Culture & Blog and the humour column coordinator for The Dingbat. If you would like to email them you're out of luck, because they don't work here anymore! Their time working at The Ubyssey was probably one of the most joyous experiences of their life, or maybe not, they still have a lot of life ahead of them.

Latest articles from Thomas O'Donnell


Now that reading break is done, there is only one thing to look forward to: Block Party. Well the gods must be smiling down upon us because the announced lineup seems like it will be a lit time.


Back for its second year and bigger than ever, Smash Comedy Festival is here to make space in the comedy world for those who are often sidelined. The festival looks to promote women, Trans and femme comedians in an industry often dominated by cis white men.


Death is a heavy topic that all of us would rather not think about. So how do we celebrate a day dedicated to remembering violence and death in our community? For many, Trans Day of Remembrance is solemn day. A day to think on the friends and family they have lost, the ways the system has let us down.

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The UBC archivists advised me that the beans of the western catalpa are “not edible” and also “not beans.” “Not edible as in will kill me?” I said. “Well they’re not poisonous but you shouldn’t-” and I didn't catch what they said as I had heard all that I needed and was gleefully thinking of how to prepare something with these long beans.

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