“My mom used to tell me to take down the enemy, you have to join them."
In her Bowen Island home filled with artifacts and memories, Kami Kanetsuka reflects on decades of travel and photography. From spontaneous street shots to lifelong connections, her work captures the heart of cultures worldwide. Her advice to aspiring photographers: find your own path and follow it.
We dedicate this issue to all the storytellers who see the world not just through a lens but, most importantly, through a heart.
After a month spent looking for him, an afternoon chasing him down from the SFU mountain and 17 seconds of eating a very tasty hot dog (running down a mountain is no easy feat), I sat down with the hot dog guy.
Every location at UBC was mapped in my head… in relation to Blue Chip.
Slick black hair, plaid-clad, anime style glasses — they were exactly my type.
"Most people would [think Zuko is hot], wouldn’t they, Lieutenant Jee? Unless they were an IDIOT." —Season 1, Episode IDK
The new candidates don’t want an understanding and nor do they want a SkyTrain. An internal external source recently revealed that the candidates have much grander, more malicious transport plans.
In my tiny village of Toronto, Ontario. My big head was sufficient to cover me from snow, hail and all sorts of precipitation. Then I moved to Vancouver.
As a child, my parents would take the three of us kids to T&T to buy doujiang. The predictability of the store was comforting. White waxed floors, edged by subtle grime; the smell of plastic wrap and the mist they sprayed to keep the vegetables fresh. The bright lights, the temperature, the layout — these elements create theoretically perfect conditions, yet are too sterile to make me feel at home.
How I miss the sunset from Wreck Beach! How I miss my friends! How I miss Koerner Library and how I miss the 20 construction cranes that saluted me on my way to class!
The 74-year-old skeleton is the solution to all my fashion faux pas.
UBC students and community members have expressed varying opinions of the university following the “Sad Boy Sam” incident.