Sam Smart

2020-2021 Blog and Opinion Editor

Sam started writing for The Ubyssey in July 2018. They're a big fan of iced americanos, weird internet stuff and writing articles that make people laugh. They were previously a senior staff writer for blog until they overthrew Tristan as editor. They also were the content editor for the 2020 spoof issue, The Main Maller, and 2020 coordinator for From the Cult. You can find them walking around campus with an iced coffee in one hand and their phone in the other.

Latest articles from Sam Smart


The event is organized by the UBC CMSSA and the UBC Science Undergraduate Society and it’s free to attend, and any donations from the event go to Rabbitats, a local rabbit sanctuary that houses rabbits that are feral or abandoned


Senate is the academic governing body, and they make a lot of important decisions about academic matters like fall reading break, admissions and student awards.


Sure, Ubyssey News has important information about candidates running for VP External. I asked them some of these hard-hitting questions to find out the real important information about the people running to represent you.


The VP Admin looks after all the AMS clubs, helps manage the Nest as well as liaises between clubs, constituencies, resource groups and the society. This big important job requires big important questions.

200228 great debate BoG Liz

The Board of Governors is the highest governing body at UBC, and among all the questions about platforms and consultation and other words I don’t understand, I felt it was necessary to ask some other hard-hitting questions the newsies wouldn’t think to ask.


From makeup to menstrual products to skincare, it can be hard to find companies that make products with the environment in mind.

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