“To me, people who don’t have sex before marriage are kind of like people who voluntarily go gluten-free.”
Latest articles from Katya Downey
Put a towel down. Or don’t, and just make sure you’ve got a change of sheets ready if you ever have guests over. Period blood is sterile — there’s nothing to worry about unless the sight of blood makes you faint.
Communication is your main saviour here (duh). Concrete directions, like “a little softer” or “to the left” can be hot as hell. You’ve gotta be good at feedback to be good at sex.
Nervous about introducing toys to your partner? Familiarize yourself with the toy on your own time, so if your partner’s not into it, you can still have fun.
“I can’t say what dosage makes sense for you, how it’ll affect you, or even whether or not you’ll like it. But as far as I’m concerned, it’s worth my time to buy a full-size bottle of one of these guys.”
“In 1925, I would have had the choice between an uncomfortable belted pad and pinning a rag to my skivvies. Now, I have everything from silicone Diva cups to organic sea sponges.”
“We recognise that sexuality and sexual health is part of people’s life experience and it’s part of their well being, and self-care is a part of that,” said Unruh. “Whether you’re having sex or not.”
Look, I’m not about to go out and say that UBC is lacking. I’m just saying we don’t have something Harvard, Stanford and Columbia all have. I know it’s been on your mind, so I’ll say what you’re already thinking — a kink club.
Winters claims that the whole anti-porn movement stems from the work of Gary Wilson and Marnia Robinson. Neither of them has a strong background in psychology and many of their claims have to do with the effects of addiction upon the brain.
That's literally all it takes to be good in bed. You can master all the techniques you like, but even that one you have to really stretch before trying isn't going to do anyone any good if your partner's not into it.
They took on Brown as the first-ever female editor at the magazine, despite the fact that she had no experience editing. As editor-in-chief, she completely turned Cosmo around. Those bright cover girls eyeing you in the grocery store? Her work.
We don't always have evidence of the tool itself. There are records of wood, leather, unripe bananas, bone and more. No matter how overwhelming your local sex shop’s dildo arsenal may be, they got nothing on human history.
Although you’ve been meaning to for a long time, you still haven’t taken up meditation. Maybe you need a more direct approach. Say, straight for the clitoris? And hey, you won’t even need your yoga pants.
For a G-rated demonstration of how it works, wrap a piece of string around the tip of your finger. You can expect your finger to swell a little, turn red, and feel warm and achy under pressure. The effects on a penis are similar to this.
This solstice, feel free capitalize on the energy that’s been building ever since the days started getting longer and burning away the winter blues. Maybe you want to stay up all night to watch the sunrise.