The AMS’s UBC Votes 2019 campaign is now underway with a mission to get UBC’s over 50,000 students involved with the 2019 federal election on October 21.
If you are a Canadian citizen 18 or older on Election Day and can prove your identity and residence, you can vote.
The proposal, brought forth by the Finance Committee would amend code to change the preliminary budget deadline from May 31 of each year to the end of the executives’ terms on April 30.
Not only did the AMS Election candidates fill their platforms with strong assertions, but they also made several claims in the two debates.
The Ubyssey is fact-checking every candidate’s platform and all the statements they made during the debates to determine whether they're true, misleading or plain old false.
A team that includes researchers from UBC has confirmed the discovery of the moon-sized white dwarf star, designated ZTF J190132.9+145808.7.