Bailey Ramsay

You're stressed, overwhelmed and probably haven't showered in longer than you'd like to admit. Tonight is the eighth-annual Undie Run and what better way to expel all the academic angst than a good jog with the wind and rain against your skin.

Unless you've been living under a rock or go to Kwantlen Polytechnic University, you're probably aware of the age-old rivalry between UBC and SFU. However, some UBC students wouldn't even say it's a rivalry and might even ask, “What's SFU?”

Whether you managed to harass your friends into joining a team at the last minute or are allergic to exercise, evaluating the Storm the Wall team names has been a time-honoured tradition here at The Ubyssey.

Rebecca Black is a hard throwback to 2011, with the announcement poster detailing that she is only to perform her hit single, Friday. The Ubyssey would like to make a public plea to all students to resist the temptation to sing or even hum the tune.

Exam schedules are out. It's that fateful day when you discover whether you'll be able to fly home — or to somewhere hot and sunny — or if you'll be stuck studying in your small, dark room until the end of April.

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