BC residents have long been aware that the province is at risk of being hit by a “big one” – a massive earthquake that could topple buildings and infrastructure across the province.
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Researchers believe they can use mushrooms to accelerate the work of composting toilets.
While protein is the macronutrient on everyone’s minds at the Birdcoop, misconceptions in the fitness community may be overstating its importance.
Ever wonder what goes into making a sword? UBC Volcan is a student-led engineering design team who specialize in the ways of blacksmithing and forging.
Jan Chodas is a NASA icon: She’s enjoyed a successful 40-year career at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and a stint as the Director of Planetary Science before retiring this year.
This article breaks down the latest vaccine guidelines, dominant variants and what UBC students should know to stay safe this season.
Welcome to the age of the ‘Plasticene’, a world so infected with plastics that they’ve embedded themselves in our fossil record. Microplastics are infiltrating global water systems, causing scientists, activists and governments to sound the alarm.
UBC Quantum Club President and third-year engineering physics student Lily Watt said the conference will provide students with learning and networking opportunities within the growing field of quantum technologies.
Under Saskatchewan skies thick with wildfire smoke in July, a bright blue UBC Forestry truck blaring country music headed west. While particles of burned forests clouded the sun, the researchers behind the wheel set out to understand how to help forests regenerate after the flames cool.
On August 27, the UBC Astronomy Club invited stargazers to the UBC Botanical Garden for a chance to look at Saturn at its brightest.
Is it possible to masturbate too much? Can pregnant people experience sexual desire? Does good sex always involve orgasms?
Vancouver’s first hyperlocal weather network, Weatherhood, launched on Wednesday July 19. The project is a collaboration between Glacier Media and UBC’s Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences.
A class with UBC botany instructor Rachel Wilson will not only have the usual labs and coursework, but also includes an ecology meme contest where only the fittest and funniest memes survive to be featured on the Instagram page @lit_ecology.
As Vancouver cruises into its summer crescendo, the warm breeze that makes the perfect beach day can also ratchet the city into a public health emergency.
Vancouver Pride brings hundreds into the streets each summer to celebrate decades of 2SLGBTQIA+ protest for the right to be ourselves in public.