“Racism can and certainly does exist outside of institutions and systems, and certainly exists in ways that do not ‘promote the continued dominance of a particular race.’”
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But focus on the fact that this is the last time you’ll be getting ready for the holidays while in school.
“UBC may have one of the biggest university parking operations in the country, but its carpool program is quite lacking in comparison to other universities, especially in terms of incentives.”
“Whether you can grow a moustache or not, we hope to achieve the same outcome: a fundamental shifting of men’s behavior to educate themselves on the health risks and take action early by seeking help when they need it.”
Not only is my schedule jam packed, but my days are also often filled with activities that drain both my level of physical and mental energy.
“This year, every request sent for comment was directed to AMS President Alan Ehrenholz, even if he had nothing to do with the subject of the article.”
“Agenda items can seem long, mysterious and confusing without the proper background, making it difficult to see how these issues affect students. Here’s what to watch out for in the upcoming AMS Council meeting on November 8.”
Before arriving to the University of Glasgow for my semester abroad I talked to many former exchange students — I was curious if they befriended locals, traveled or made life long friends while living in a foreign city.
“In 1925, I would have had the choice between an uncomfortable belted pad and pinning a rag to my skivvies. Now, I have everything from silicone Diva cups to organic sea sponges.”
“When something becomes a habit, you wind up mechanically going through motions. You stop thinking actively because you know more or less what to expect throughout your day.”
“It took a series of texts of me trying to end things ‘nicely,’ becoming less friendly with each text, before I just told him I didn't feel like we were working out.”
There are three main supports group on campus that meet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis — Kaleidoscope, S.H.A.R.E and VICE.
“Agenda items can seem long, mysterious and confusing without the proper background, making it difficult to see how these issues affect students. Here’s what to watch out for in the upcoming AMS Council meeting on October 25.”
In November 2015, Jenna Omassi, the then-AMS VP academic and university affairs predicted that we would have a fall reading break by now.
“As important as football and stadium sports are to UBC’s spirit building, making a material investment in First Nations education will have real, long term benefits for all British Columbians.”