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240405 i janmohamed eng pride main

At UBC, changing perceptions about Queerness in engineering frequently falls on the shoulders of students or student-run clubs like Gears and Queers.

20220725 m asuncion ams food bank

Students have continued to rally for increases in funding from protesting to creating their own initiatives and through AMS advocacy — with student politicians securing substantial funding for the food bank this year and continuing work on an agreement with UBC for permanent funding.

20240408 i janmohamed final salal

There’s an entire community working together, and through child-sized, yet critical steps, UBC Child Care is nurturing inclusivity in a new generation — at a price people can afford.

20240331 c park london-1

As I rolled into Bristol with my two suitcases, I wondered how this place — with its little cafés, the Wills Memorial Building, a Gothic tower rising against the skyline, and my flat’s small room and maroon curtains — would become my home for the next four months.

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Campus Vision 2050 will demolish parts of Place Vanier to build new residences. What does this mean for the future of Vanier and the students who’ve lived there? And is history repeating itself?

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