Places to Go//

Places to Go: London brought me growth

Excitement and apprehension built up inside me as I embarked on my solo journey to London.

This trip was a reminder of the heartbreaks that the city had caused me. In London, I mourned my lifelong dream of going there for exchange. My sitting at a Starbucks on the picturesque Portobello Road was conceived as a consequence of the cancellation of these plans.

Despite the immense growth I had on this trip, I was constantly reminded of everything I missed out on. And despite the love I grew to have for London, alongside spawned an inevitable hatred that I couldn’t stay here longer.

The hostel I stayed in was situated in a cute corner of London, whose claim to fame is the movie Notting Hill. The wifi password was JuliaRoberts1. Three flights of stairs climbing up the narrow building led to my private room, helping me realize the importance of a backpack while backpacking.

In addition to a backpack, being a good listener was an important part of the trip.

With a careful ear, it's easy to pick up the intricate rhythm that London plays through its streets. This melody is one to which everyone dances perfectly.

From the punks in Camden to the luxurious Mayfair passers-by, all these wildly different people somehow come together to dance to this tune which meshed together different styles (hip-hop, salsa, classical) perfectly.

London is freeing. You could be whoever you want and still be perfectly synchronized to London’s Melody. You decide your story and you pick your path.

On Christmas Eve, my first night at the hostel, I was riddled with anxiety so I went to bed early but later came out of my room for the hostel's Christmas celebrations. They hosted a dinner cooked by the staff, followed by a night of drinking games. We played Foot Cup, King’s Cup and so many more games that my pre-party alcohol chug to curb anxiety was completely unnecessary. It’s probably something my liver is cursing me for. The day after, despite a telling hangover, I met with a high school friend.

Reconnecting with her felt surreal. Having known her from a small city in India, where we’d shared an hour-long commute to and from school, seeing her in London felt bizarre. A disorienting feeling took over as she explained the city's Underground map to me. There is something unique about meeting an old friend in a new city — a simultaneous feeling of being a local in my friend’s new home, and a realization of just how astronomically far away from home we are.

We started the evening in Camden Market, a vibrant space with a large punk scene. We quickly realized that pub hopping is the best way to approach the day and we were soon taking Bailey’s shots in an Irish pub not too long after.

Then, my friend wanted to show me her university campus and take me to the pub she frequents with her friends. What felt like 15 LIITs and a million catching-up conversations later, we saw her university campus (and took pictures with the moon because it looked pretty).

Next was Buckingham Palace — each crevasse lit, emitting a serene glow.

A short walk from the Palace led us to Regent Street — an area that looked like one of those magical cities travellers of deserts stumbled upon. Covered in gold and jewels, compared to the contrasting stillness of the desert, Regent Street felt like it was out of a fantasy novel. With its glorious Christmas lighting depicting angels soaring high, London’s infamous Christmas lights exceeded my expectations. Similar beautiful lights lit up all the nearby areas we explored. We had another drink in a Covent Garden pub, then made our way to marvel Piccadilly Circus, followed by an amazing dinner at my friend’s place made by her boyfriend.

Nearing the end of my trip to London, I visited the British Museum. One of my favorite sections was the one on Ancient Greece and Rome. The museum was not only a feast for the eyes but also the mind — I learned about the history and culture of different civilizations and got to see a lot of what I’d seen in history class. Although a well-crafted exhibition, being from a Commonwealth nation and growing up on stories from India’s freedom struggle, I thought a lot about how many of the artifacts were taken unjustly from the people to whom they belong.

Among the many things to be admired about London is how each detail within it felt meticulously crafted. This consciousness and attentiveness to detail that characterizes the city's architecture was part of why it was so unforgettable.

Even while braving the rainy weather, London was a great place to grow as a person and embark on my travel journey. The value I place on meaningful interpersonal connections was instilled even deeper through the often-drunken conversations I had with strangers at my hostel and old friends that I got a chance to meet.

I left London with a newfound appreciation for the city, and I can't wait to come back and explore again.

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