I can't see myself in the signal's static. I speak but I only hear your cadence. :// Bàba, how do you say this word in Chinese?
Latest articles from Zhi Wen Teh
At the Supermarket You don’t see peanuts plucked out of the ground
While following the elections, you might’ve been thinking about which position you might want to run for eventually, or maybe even which one is the most relatable to you. Well, we’ve made this handy quiz to help you figure out which elected position you are.
Instead of rating these posters on how good the designs are, I’ll instead be giving these posters a vibe-check. Because that’s what the cool kids do right? I went hunting down for every single campaign’s Facebook events page and checked their vibes so you don’t have to.
Submitting a UBC Crush is perfect for all of us who long to date someone whilst being complete cowards at the same time. I have had at least four posts published on the page, with plenty more that went unpublished (and that was probably for the best), which means I am perfectly qualified to give advice on how to write the perfect UBC Crushes post.
If you’re an international student and you’re having the symptoms I just described, you’re going through what I would call the UBC International Student’s Stages Of Grief.
The Changeling was a 360 degree, full-bodied experience. The acting and design support the haunting nature of the play, but the comic plot line distracted from the overall show.
But if you’re away from home and won’t have the opportunity to celebrate the festivities with family, there are a couple events around campus that will hopefully help you feel less homesick during this time of the year.
In 1989, a whale was discovered calling at a frequency of 52 hertz. No other whales with the same migration patterns shared the same frequency.
Death is a heavy topic that all of us would rather not think about. So how do we celebrate a day dedicated to remembering violence and death in our community? For many, Trans Day of Remembrance is solemn day. A day to think on the friends and family they have lost, the ways the system has let us down.
Many years down the line, people will ask about your tattoo and you can tell them stories of your time at UBC.
My brother was born in 1994. My dad decided to name him ‘智铭’ (Zhiming), meaning ‘knowledge engraved.’ Five years later they had me, their youngest daughter. They named me ‘智文’ (Zhiwen), meaning ‘knowledge in literature.’ My dad sometimes used to accidentally call me by my brother’s name. He also stumbled with English pronouns, mixing up the ‘he’s and ‘her’s.