What do we need to consider about our food, beyond our own nutrition? Who and what is being impacted by the food on our plate? The framework for understanding the environmental, social and nutritional impacts of food is called food literacy.
In a new study, Dr. John-Jose Nunez and his team trained artificial intelligence (AI) to predict whether cancer patients would go on to see a psychiatrist or counsellor, based solely on their initial oncology consultation documents.
In 2022, researchers found a 29.6 per cent increase in colorectal cancer (CRC) rates in 20-34 year olds from 2001 to 2011, projecting a 42.8 per cent increase by 2030.
The Middle East Studies (MES) program invited Jabr to discuss the importance of integrating social justice and human rights approaches into mental health work, and how healthcare workers can do so.
UBC’s Innovation in Dementia and Aging (IDEA) Lab, led by Dr. Vivienne Hung, is researching the use of robots to support elders’ independence, safety and wellbeing.