“I wake up today a mother of three children and I realize I might have something to say about reconciliation. So I wanted to share my story with you and what it means.”
UBC Vancouver and the Musqueam First Nation unveiled a series of street signs on April 4 that adds new names in the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language to the preexisting ones, after quietly installing them over the past week.
I’m about to inherit one of my Grandma’s old mink fur coats but am not really sure about whether or not it’s okay to take it? I don’t want to throw it out, because that seems like a waste, but I also am not sure if it’d be a good thing to wear it outside.
Vegan pizza company Virtuous Pie’s new location in Wesbrook Village is officially open. The company has acquired a loyal following at its Chinatown location for serving healthy, plant-based pizza and ice cream with high-quality ingredients.
The AMS has announced the lineup for their 11th Annual Block Party and from the looks of things a bunch of typos are performing.
With the theme of “how we live,” this magazine is about the unique stories within each student’s life and the recurring themes within our community.
This February, we are publishing our annual — and second ever — magazine and are asking for submissions from all UBC students.
You look in the mirror when you wake up in the morning and feel a deep, chilling sense of philosophical dread. Maybe you should consider adopting the great philosophy of stoicism to help you get through your exhausting life.
I’ve never gone to a party and chosen to stay sober. Drinking, to me, is the essence of partying, the party’s real core. On nights when I haven’t felt like drinking, I’ve stayed in. Simple as that.
Khadija Ismayilova, an Azerbaijani investigative reporter, has won the 2017 Allard Prize for International Integrity. Since its founding in 2012, it has been “one of the world’s largest prizes dedicated to the fight against corruption and [for human rights]” at $100,000 CAD.
Who would have thought that a play where the main character is burried up to her waist in dirt and half-mad with boredom would be anything less than exhausting to watch?
If you want pub food or a beer, Mahoney’s is overpriced and lame; Gallery 2.0 has some of the most incompetent service I’ve ever seen and a sad, sad menu; and Koerner’s is great but a little off the beaten path and open at weirdly inconsistent times.
Concerned about Bada$$’s ability to perform at the upcoming Welcome Back BBQ while recovering from what must surely be immense stupidity, The Ubyssey reached out to the AMS, who confirmed that yes, Bada$$ is still coming.
According to SASC Manager Shilo St. Cyr, this additional funding will largely be used to continue recently started initiatives that aim at increasing the range of services offered and the reach of SASC.