The assistant professor at the Vancouver School of Economics has done grassroots volunteering abroad, conducted field research in Africa and most recently, advised on former Rep. Beto O’Rourke’s Senate campaign in Texas.
Latest articles from Samantha McCabe
The Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC) will not be publicly endorsing specific candidates running in the AMS elections this year, breaking a longstanding tradition.
There are seven questions up for students to have the final say.
Tyga’s Block Party performance is sure to be one of the more unique ones this semester, as it might heavily feat. the US judicial system.
Between the two of them, Huband and Sandhu are the only female coaches on UBC’s 20-strong varsity head coaching roster.
A tweet on Sunday expressed dissatisfaction with the way that the women’s hockey game was at an earlier, less crowd-conducive time than the men’s, despite the women’s team’s higher conference standing.
On paper, Student Court is the society’s neutral third-party decision-making body in times of disagreement — in practice, it is hasn’t been functional in 10 years.
The AMS recently presented a draft of their Sexual Violence Prevention and Respectful Environment Policy (SVPREP), a standalone document that will inform how the society handles disclosures and reports of sexual violence.
The Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister for Women and Gender Equality, convened the committee as part of the first-ever federal Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence, which was allocated about $5.5 million in 2018.
All UBC fraternity members will now have to complete a yearly training session on consent, bystander intervention and healthier masculinity.
At today’s general meeting, 8 out of 21 Board members voted against domestic increases. Only two Board members — both faculty representatives — voted against last year’s annual tuition increases.
UBC has been convicted on four counts of violating the Federal Fisheries Act for dumping ammonia down a storm drain that led to Booming Grounds Creek, resulting in the deaths of over 70 fish.
University Community Services Manager and Bookstore Director Debbie Harvie, McCloy’s immediate superior, said that hiring a replacement will take at least three to six months.
The university is continuing to create a government business enterprise (GBE), an entirely separate trust that would let UBC circumvent the caps of provincial borrowing and build student housing at an accelerated rate.
After a UBC associate professor argued in a Vancouver Sun column that international students face easier admission standards, the university has refuted his claims.