Gilbert teaches NURS 280: Human Sexual Health. By exploring sexual education with openness, she hopes students to develop “the capacity for comfort."
On January 14, people gathered in the Frederic Wood Theatre for a reading of The Gaza Monologues organized by UBC Theatre and Film Students.
My family moved to Winnipeg when I was seven — another family in a long migration of those leaving their homes to start again in what seemed like an isolated tundra. We subscribed to all the Filipino things available to us in Canada: church, any bakery with good pandesal and other Filipinos.
A class with UBC botany instructor Rachel Wilson will not only have the usual labs and coursework, but also includes an ecology meme contest where only the fittest and funniest memes survive to be featured on the Instagram page @lit_ecology.
Though we both live in Canada, I think of my parents with a pang, sending me a box at the peak of lockdown filled with masks, Lysol spray and cans of food (Spam of course being chief among them).