Toward the end of each triennium, the Senate undergoes a triennial review, seeking out feedback from all senators and the wider UBC community to inform how work is done within Senate committees and in the Senate more broadly. By providing feedback, you can change how the Senate operates over the next three years.
Senate Recentred is written by members of the Student Senate Caucus to demystify Senate by giving students a snapshot of what Senate is doing this month. Here’s what to expect at the March 15 Senate meeting.
The Senate meets monthly to discuss and vote on UBC academic matters. But, Senate can often be hard to understand for the average student and the agenda docket can be super long and dull to read. Here’s what to expect at the January 18 Senate meeting.
Here’s what to expect at the November 16 Senate meeting.
Here's what you need to know for the October 2022 Senate meeting.
The UBC Senate is one of the two highest governing bodies at UBC. But what does it really do?
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