In most of the lakes that the threespine stickleback inhabit in British Columbia, there exists a single species of stickleback. However, in a number of lakes there exist two separate species of stickleback — open-water dwelling stickleback and bottom-dwelling stickleback.
Latest articles from Julia Wong
Also known as “Leading the Way Towards a Low-Carbon Future,” this one-time-only graduate course takes an interdisciplinary approach to exploring the effects of climate change and how to work towards lowering carbon emissions.
In this work Yuxweluptun abstracts the ovoid by removing its layers and presenting it as a complete and separate entity. He challenges the way in which Indigenous art is represented and judged in a formal, Euro-centric context.
Upon entering the Burrard Arts Foundation Gallery, the staff warned us not to step on a curving silver line drawn on the floor. Painted with a light-reflexive material, the line traced the solar movements during the fall equinox of September 22.
This season, Primeau built a program with emphasis on injury prevention, along with making changes to the staffing on the team. “Instead of trying to fix athletes when they’re broken, we put therapy track-side and introduce warm-ups to the team that
Undertaking with The Branford Marsalis Quartet only solidifies his position as a jazz icon. The Branford Marsalis Quartet’s most recent album has been called “a knockout: hard-nosed and hyperacute, tradition-minded but modern."
This narrative forms the basis of playwright and actress Trish Cooper’s play, Social Studies. The script was inspired by Cooper’s own experience, when her mother adopted a Sudanese “Lost Boy”. The play follows a family in Winnipeg, who adopt a Sudanese refugee, as they navigate their cultural differences.
UBC associate professor of Pathology, Niamh Kelly started the Creative Science program to change the way high school students approached science and to get post-secondary students involved in the community.
Combating the apocalyptic portrayal of climate change, Generation Hot presents a series of performances from emerging artists at Vancouver’s Fringe Festival. For six months, these young artists attended