When Sugar Brewer first walked into my eyes and heart, I imagined a caravan of reveling bards following after him. Three buttons undone, cascading hair and a voice like hot buttered yams remind me of the free-loving UBC I once knew.
On Tuesday night, UBC Campus and Community Planning hosted a second GamePlan Workshop, a public consultation on their long-term strategy for future investment in athletics and recreation facilities on campus.
“People come to our events and have an idea for something new, we are open to that. We want to give people what they are looking for,” said Dylan Perdue, founder of UBC’s sole hip-hop club — Rapper’s Without Borders.
The AMS Social Justice Centre is relaunching The Talon tonight, which is labelled as UBC’s alternative student press and aims to address social justice issues that are not being covered by other campus publications.
Regulatory testing of drugs and medical products encompasses only three-quarters of a per cent of animals used in UBC research. A third of all animals are used in medical and veterinary research to research treatment for disease.
“There is excitement for the space from the academic faculties,” said Stephane Delisle, senior manager of programs and facilities at the Aquatic Centre. “Due to the accessibility of the facility, there are physical therapy and rehabilitation capabili
The AMS is preparing a new service to support UBC students in their entrepreneurial efforts. The service will be called the eHub and it will connect student initiatives with the resources they need to succeed in creating their own start-ups.