Bailey Ramsay

Latest articles from Bailey Ramsay


It might be a bit challenging to locate the tiny horse — named Princess Aurora — at first glance due to the swarm of students surrounding her, but the adorable creature is worth the hunt. There are also goats, bunnies and chickens inside a trailer.

Film Shooting -  Blog

Did you see a fancy red car with a camera rigged to the hood on campus today? Did you stand and stare at it as you waited for a stunt driver to press the pedal to the medal? Yeah, me neither. William will be on campus filming for the next four days.


It's that time of year again. Cry of joy or because you have an exam on the last possible day of exams. While The Ubyssey wishes everyone a happy exam schedule, maybe don't ruin your long weekend by checking your fate just yet.


We've all been frustrated with our profs at one point another after getting a bad grade. However, someone has taken it to the next level and sent four philosophers, including UBC philosophy professor Carrie Jenkins, a manilla envelope full of shit.


Here’s what it takes to transfer to UBC from a university in the US. Is getting into UBC easier or harder than immigrating to Canada? You be the judge. But please don’t crash the UBC website — we have enough problems with Connect already.

In light of a men's rights group having their application to become an AMS club rejected, the UBC Free Speech Club is showing their support by placing a blue wooden sign of the male symbol on top of the engineering cairn on Main Mall.

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