Where’s the time to make and eat a full meal during finals? Can you physically or even legally leave your desk?
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Worry not, I’ve compiled, based on my personal experience and good ole’ UBC subreddit, some courses with lightning quick TAs.
Well if we have a faculty of dentistry, anything is possible. Even though it is impossible to perfectly foretell what faculty will be established next, it is worth it to try.
I recoiled and — looking around me — carefully placed the container in the compost bin. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of UBC’s sustainability enforcers whisper something into his lapel.
If you’re like me, deadline season has made you really productive… at writing things other than term papers.
What better way is there to celebrate the end of term than gathering on Wreck Beach with hundreds of your classmates and running into the Pacific Ocean? I can’t think of any.
“I thought it was a little weird that drivers were just chillin’ in hoodies instead of their uniforms,” said McCormick. “I figured it was just casual Friday — but, like, every day.”
You may be asking yourself what Racket is. I see you haven’t taken CPSC 110, as this so-called ‘language’ is found almost nowhere else.
But fear not. Join us and 1,000 other tired UBC students in camping outside Main Mall from November 27 to November 29. Bring your tents, sleeping bags and some marshmallows to pass around.
As a UBC student, the Reformer would probably be checking Degree Navigator to ensure they are on track, even though they already planned out their degree in a Google Sheets three years prior.
It is crucial to know your route and stick to it. I didn’t even bring a map. Google Maps can go on strike too, it is best to not rely on anyone.
They’re probably too lazy to be even bothered by food to be honest.
One evening, as I made the journey from the library home, I considered that perhaps beneath the leaves lay the perfect study pot. Quiet, airy and damp, it is difficult to distinguish a pile of leaves from a corner of IKB.
There are giant glossy letters outside that read “SPQR Point” along with a smattering of twee chairs that indicate a major departure from The Nest’s typical decoration of glossy signage and slightly less twee chairs.
Take the tool and grasp the handle. Take a deep breath, raise the bat and think about all the stress you’ve endured so far this semester.