The Ubyssey and the Thunderbird Athletic Council takes a look at the best players of the year from (almost) all of the UBC's 25 varsity from the past season. How many of the player of the year awards do you agree with?
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As a driven and skilled competitor, with a Bachelors in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Princeton University, it’s easy to see why she has been so successful at rowing. But it wasn't always easy, after racing in the London Olympics, Lauren felt
As most pilates classes, this class focussed a lot on core work (while lying on your back or planking) and mobility of the spine and hips. You’ll find some balances here as well. Many of the exercises are movement based, but others are stretches.
Damien Chazelle likes jazz music. But more than blaming his musical obsession for La La Land, I suppose I can blame Carl Van Vechten. It is, after all, Van Vechten's 1926 novel Nigger Heaven that fueled white interest in the Harlem Renaissance an
By the time we were done with the first three positions, my body was already vibrating and spasming. My legs were kicking randomly against my will and felt like I had lit them on fire. I learned that it is difficult — probably more difficult than mos
The North American League of Legends Championship Series will be coming to Vancouver, BC, as the city will host the spring finals weekend in April. According to an announcement on the series website, the finals will take place over two days at the Pa
The UBC Dance Club is possibly one of the oldest clubs on campus. The club was originally part of the UBC Music Society back in 1919 until it branched out to be its own club in 1949. Their primary focus is Latin and standard internat
Today, however, the phrase is most often used as shorthand for anthropogenic climate change – in other words, climate change caused by humans. The principal way in which humans are understood to be affecting the climate is through the release of heat
The influx of young talent came with a growing trend of Canadian athletes choosing to stay north of the border for their varsity careers due to several factors ranging from the costs to the rise in level and quality of U Sports competition.
Sometimes, if I’m at a high enough floor in Orchard Commons, I can see the peak nearly hidden behind the mountains and other islands.
"Racing is ultimately about timing and control, technological development, taking a machine and pushing it to its absolute limits.”
The national championships served as a crucial final competition for the athletes heading to Pyeongchang.
“People really like the regattas that are outside the Northwest. You get to see different levels of competition and different types of boats.”