The Ubyssey has covered both the highs and lows of UBC scientific research over the past decade, reporting on both missteps and major achievements.
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When Pierre Trudeau commissioned a type of particle accelerator called a cyclotron for the centre in 1976, the then-prime minister quipped: “I don’t really know what a cyclotron is, but I am certainly very happy Canada has one.”
All was well for the next four days until the team began receiving signals that the boat was heading off course to the south.
“What this result suggests is that cannabis might be interacting with PTSD to change the course of PTSD on these indicators of mental distress,” said Lake.
“By simultaneously recording information about their feeding behaviour and their foraging successes, we can answer the question about whether southern residents are less successful at feeding compared to northern residents.”
This year, the UBC team’s topic of choice was reducing paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) along BC’s coast.
Forde’s team found that while increases in pressure inhibited the migration of soil gas to the atmosphere, “when barometric pressure decreased, CH4 effluxes rapidly increased, at times greater than 20-fold in less than 24 hours.”
The researchers also looked at brain regions in relation to symptoms. Patients were asked to carry out tasks associated with different neural networks while their brains were scanned.
Seeing similar seed libraries pop up across the province, the two founders believed it to be the next meaningful step for UBC to foster their own seed collection.
Individuals who got a description of the carbon fee in their flight pricing details described as a “carbon offset on aviation fuel production and importation” consistently preferred to spend $14 on carbon fees.
The data tool used computational and algorithmic methods to compare the population data of the three cities with the attributes of their public transit systems and healthcare facilities such as hospitals.
“Big commercial fishing is new to the area, so anything that we can do before hand, before this boat really comes, to protect this ecosystem will be very important,” said Sumaila.
The paper suggests more sustainable harvesting and management efforts be undertaken by fisheries in order to conserve the stocks, proposing a new equation to more accurately calculate the catch per unit of effort.
“So often, because of all this emphasis on getting antibiotics in quickly, that’s what clinicians do,” said Sweet.
“We have been looking at different side effects with this class of antibiotics for actually a few years now,” said Etminan.