“There’s been a lot of research on various herbs that can enhance immune system function, macrophage activity, natural killer cell activity and enhancing the white blood cell activity in the body,” said Yardley.
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But Chan also identified timber management and liquefied natural gas (LNG) policy as areas where the province could be doing more.
“You need that fascination, that kind of wonder … But if I can just get people to say ‘Oh, that’s neat,’ I think I’ve already succeeded,” said Sayson.
“There's a long history of collaborations with arts and sciences but also arts and medicine ... I think it's really an advantage to tap into the research that's happening in all three faculties,” said Harris
“When we actually scored and won, it was completely incredible,” said MacDougall.
“While we have been making some substantial progress over the past four years, you have to also take that in light of what’s happening in the U.S. and the UK, for example,” said Gibbs.
After compiling the data, Wynes and Nicholas found that Saskatchewan and Ontario were the most comprehensive in their coverage while Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were the least.
“We try to focus on students who love mathematics and who should be thinking of pursuing a university career but are not necessarily doing so right now,” said Pramanik.
In fact, Metras explained that the dry toilets were a great learning opportunity as one of the earliest examples of the UBC campus as a living lab program.
One of the oldest design teams on campus, SUBC members work in collaboration to leverage specific skill sets and create sub components that can be put together to create a high-performance functional product.
“Everybody should be aware and engaged in this discussion, both the positive and the negative sides of gambling,” Clark said.
After encountering success with their own airlock project last year, Marquis and former vice-captain Han Zhang decided to establish an intercollegiate design competition to give other students the opportunity to undertake the same challenge.
“It’s unclear what this organism could be doing with these genes. It’s definitely something new and unusual,” said Kwong.
“I’m really excited about learning something new and coming up with new, exciting ideas in the lab," Sherbo said.
“Hopefully this could be [used] in addition to other preventative strategies, so this could buy the brain some time for the surgeon to unblock the vessel or administer other drugs,” said Freitas-Andrade.