“He was a really good guy. I don’t think it’s an accident that he’s iconic in BC,” said Ng.
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“It allows us to answer questions such as how much would it cost to save all of Canada’s species at risk and which management actions would save the most species per dollar invested,” said Martin.
The results vary dramatically based on whether our CO2 emissions stay where they are — in a “business as usual” scenario — or whether we make substantial efforts to reduce our CO2 emissions in the future.
Hodge said she hopes the exhibit will “ignite a sense of amazement and curiosity in visitors as they imagine this majestic sea creature swimming through a Cretaceous sea.”
“The pun that I use is that if we had not got this very versatile and diverse team, this invention would not have seen the light of day.”
“We’ve made IUDs cost equivalent here such that students are able to access both hormone-releasing and copper IUDs at the same price point in a simplified system.”
Talking about Gerardo’s work, Rohling said “there’s both a good science, and a little bit of art.”
“The ultimate goal for the simulation is to enhance the education experience for the students, afford them the opportunities that … they might not get before they are out in the workforce," said Skoretz.
“With trees, it’s really easy to get a ruler and measure out the tree rings, but there’s no trees in the high arctic – it’s too hostile of an environment,” she said.
Hospitals’ reliance on O type blood in these situations, paired with the scarcity of available donors, contributes to a supply shortage of O type blood and puts pressure on the hospitals with fewer resources available.
Responsible for over 4,000 hospitalizations between 2001 and 2010 in British Columbia alone, concussions are common yet serious head injuries that occur among people of all ages and backgrounds.
“Enjoy the summer as best as you can because it is going to be an ongoing problem for years to come,” said Zeglinski.
In Salish Creek, the fast-flowing water expelled from the culvert was pushing salmon back down the creek, stopping them from reaching their spawning grounds above the culvert.
When asked what advice she would give to young people aspiring to become pilots, Chiu highlighted the importance of persistence.
Vancouver offers a number of platforms through which science enthusiasts can share their passion with the public.