Louise Dong wanted to get “some new fresh blood into this hackathon community.” As a result, she started XdHacks — a cross-disciplinary hackathon.
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“In order to actually determine the accuracy we need to do a much larger clinical trial first, so much more research has to be done, but we hope that we will be able to bring this device further along into making a significant impact in the future.”
Honeybees “crowdsource” data through foraging for their nectar. Because they only travel, on average, within a three kilometre radius of their hive, “they’re passively collecting particulate matter and dust, and all of that goes back to the hive with them,” said Smith.
“I haven’t seen any evidence that [neurotechnology companies] have provided that [DTC neurotechnologies] benefit anybody,” said Reiner.
The doctor explained the Treatment to the woman in front of me, leafing through her fMRI, gene assays, blood work, motif summaries for hormone and transduction networks, slicing along a different set of coordinates.
I give up on TV and stroll into the kids room. Both 13, twins, sleeping comfortably in their pods. The monitor on the outside of each displays the sim they have chosen to play in their dreams.
After a couple minutes, Mrs. Price comes back with the tablet. Willow scrolls through to make sure she’s filled everything out, and spends a little more time than she should looking at the personality specs.
“To our knowledge, the Hotel Study is the most thorough characterization of the health of homeless and marginally housed individuals in the world.”
“Hopefully this could be [used] in addition to other preventative strategies, so this could buy the brain some time for the surgeon to unblock the vessel or administer other drugs,” said Freitas-Andrade.
“I’m really excited about learning something new and coming up with new, exciting ideas in the lab," Sherbo said.
“It’s unclear what this organism could be doing with these genes. It’s definitely something new and unusual,” said Kwong.
After encountering success with their own airlock project last year, Marquis and former vice-captain Han Zhang decided to establish an intercollegiate design competition to give other students the opportunity to undertake the same challenge.
“Everybody should be aware and engaged in this discussion, both the positive and the negative sides of gambling,” Clark said.
One of the oldest design teams on campus, SUBC members work in collaboration to leverage specific skill sets and create sub components that can be put together to create a high-performance functional product.
In fact, Metras explained that the dry toilets were a great learning opportunity as one of the earliest examples of the UBC campus as a living lab program.